Evil Zone/Eretzvaju JP OP (subs) - Kiss In The Dark by Masami Okui

Описание к видео Evil Zone/Eretzvaju JP OP (subs) - Kiss In The Dark by Masami Okui

There have been translations for this song floating around the internet for DECADES and yet NO ONE bothered to just SUB the thing?! Fine, I'll do it myself and be VERY intentional about my font choice to preserve that Evil Zone feel!

For the record, I do not know Japanese and cobbled this together out of 3 different translations of the song. Mostly based on the one from Okui-Masami.net. That said, all of these translations are based on the FULL version of the song so I had to pay attention as the game version mixes and matches between the different verses.

To make matters worse is the talk about "Destiny". Apparently they don't say Destiny but rather the word "Rail" in English...but the kanji above it on the lyrics sheets say "Destiny". So I went with rails of destiny.Anyway here's links to 3 different translations of the song:




Yeah between these three there are a LOT of different ways to word things and I just went with the one that I felt matched the flow of the song (that and I discovered the last link later). I'm sure the translation is debateable but fansubs usually are, aren't they? ^_~


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