Teine Sa - The Ancient Ones: Episode 3 Ahi

Описание к видео Teine Sa - The Ancient Ones: Episode 3 Ahi

Iz, a troubled non-binary teenager, has issues with their fathers ruthless commercial interests in building a hotel on a tapu mauga. On the way to the building site they encounter a stranger who influences Iz’s path in life.

The fire gods of the Pacific are legendary, Mafuike of Tokelau, Mahuika in Aotearoa, Mafui’e in Tahiti and Pele of Hawaii. Protectors of the fenua, they take transgressions of the world of tapu to heart are known for the power of their vengeance.

In this story of learning to honour what is sacred, Iz leans on the power of a stranger called Ahi to help his father realise what he needs to value in his life.

Watch the full series premiering this week here:


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