Описание к видео ATOMIC HABITS | JAMES CLEAR | Book Review

On the wall of Geography in Year 9 : "watch your thoughts they become your words. watch your words they become your actions... then ur habits... " etc.

That was is Kabalah. Mr Dunn in GE1.

The notion of being a watchtower: insanity paranoia, demonic eye of Shiva, cataclysm. No more insects on the windscreen. This is the truth : if you are dissatisfied with your environment, with the external, look upon your thoughts at the granular level, understand to what extent what you see is what you choose to see, how far can you take this realisation??

Seek the back process.

There are ways of being a schizussy prisonière...
There are ways of being a lil Sauron nug...

Decisions you make today will impact your distant progeny.
How you entertain a thought, a textured guest, will impact your ancestors.

Building a small ladder to preserve the honour of tree spirits,,, Ka'al Marx...
In dark Cimmerian apartments forever dwell.
Monica Belluci, Damien Hirst, Captain Jack Sparrow.
Don't get caught in the middle income trap: Yödel. Yödel like me. Yödel. Yödel like me. Captain jack spazzow.

Young heart be free tonight time is on your side. It's punk its emo its goth its seacrust...

Lost Everything.
Lost my magus hat.
Lost my magus hat.
Lost my magus hat.
Lost my wisard zstaf.
now I'm BACK
t: @thebookchode
i: @b000kclub69
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