PVZ GW2 Part 620: A Mixed Bag

Описание к видео PVZ GW2 Part 620: A Mixed Bag

Today we had two games that were both mixd bags. It is very difficult to put a good or bad label on either of them, because they both had major ups and downs. The first game served as a really good warmup game. We got a total of fourteen vanquishes while only dying four times, but we had to play with a very high amount of caution to get such a small amout of deaths. However, when you take into consideration all the variables that were in that game, is was not that bad. The second game was really mixed. It had the same amount of caution, but we got twenty-nine vanquishes instead. We died seven times, and while twenty-nine vanquishes is a ton, half of those came from having good Party Times If it was truly a good game or it just had a few lucky plays can be up to you. Good luck to all you Garden Warriors on the battle feild. This has been Zombie1565, and i'll see all you guys in the next video! #PVZGW2 #BringBackPopCap



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