Massive Home Declutter - Day 2 Handbag Declutter Dazed and Confused

Описание к видео Massive Home Declutter - Day 2 Handbag Declutter Dazed and Confused

Hello, and thanks for viewing I have to unclutter everything. I am overwhelmed and smothered by the stuff. Who said 30 days? This is absolutely madness. The second video on purses. I will upload a complete and final looooooong video on the other 50+ purses in the next day, with the links to purchase if interested. It will be going on Poshmark or Ebay under GraceandReason. I have to get it moving. Hang in there, more crazy coming your way, with a little grocery haul and house cleaning.

First day declutter mania - decluttering handbags.
Let's get the party started. My loss is another one's treasure.

30-Day Declutter Challenge - For Non Hoarders. I won't be using only this list, as I am trying to declutter a household to prepare for a more breathable relaxing life and a soon-to-be remodel.

Purge clothing
Organize your dresser
Tidy your purse
Donate books
Clear paper clutter
Purge broken unused toys
Declutter kitchen drawers and cabinets
Clean out fridge & pantry
Toss unwanted makeup and expired meds
Sell 3 items online
Delete phone numbers from the address book
Unfollow 10 people on social media
Tidy up your email inbox
Unsubscribe from email lists you don’t read
Clean your phone’s photo library
Reduce apps on your smartphone
Purge your home screen
Sort computer files & folders
Declutter your digital photos
Stay off devices for 24 hours
Enjoy a makeup-free day
Offer 3 sincere compliments
Meditate for 15 minutes
Redefine your top goals
Spend nothing for 24 hours
Say goodbye to a toxic relationship
Write down 3 things you love about yourself
Spend time with loved ones
Read a book
Journal for 20 minutes about your decluttering experience

I hope you get as much out of this as I will. Make your life more relaxing and unclog your brain by letting go of things that don't matter or bring you total joy. Let your junk be a blessing to


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