Can "Tiger Bones" Prepare Me For Southern Thailand's Fire?? (Amazing Halal Food in Esaan!)

Описание к видео Can "Tiger Bones" Prepare Me For Southern Thailand's Fire?? (Amazing Halal Food in Esaan!)

Today is the day I’m beginning a tour that's been a long time in coming - almost 11 years actually!! It’s the one region of Thailand that I have yet to explore. The South!

How AMAZING is it to have a wonderful transition almost ready made for me right here in Khon Kaen - a wonderful Southern-style Halal Food Menu at a family restaurant of over 20 years - and they’re ready to show it all off today!

The Southern region of Thailand being so different than the other three, it has always just seemed so far from all the places I've ever lived (if you know the shape of the country of Thailand, its easy to see what I mean!).

The South has its own culture, its own flavors, its own strong accent, even its own weather! I CANNOT wait to explore the differences, and finally learn about these things first hand! This video is a preview for the video uploading tomorrow, thank you for your patience in my adjustment to the usual channel schedule (video on Tuesday this time instead of Monday!).

**I am working to make videos, and prepare them at the same time, which I have not really done before :) Thank you for the GREAT encouragement on the livestream yesterday by the way, and I hope you are looking forward to (among other things) the largest hunk of oxtail in one of the most delicious sour soups... thats whats in tomorrow's video... but much more importantly, I cannot wait for the dozens of new friends, stories, and resulting experiences, from all the things that this next month of life will hold!

Thank you for joining me. I am privileged to experience this, and I will do my best to share the most pure and best moments of each of these days I'm here with you!

094 530 9086

Cost of the meal-
450 Baht (about 15$US)

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