Nudge Movie

Описание к видео Nudge Movie

putting lifts into nudge mode.

1. Otis 2000/gen2 - after a minute a buzzer goes off but the doors don't close by force.

2. Ecodisc - after a minute it says "please do not obstruct the doors" and then the doors force close.

3. Mitsubishi - after a minute it says "beep beep beep doors closing" but the doors don't force close.

4. 1980s/90s Schindler - after a minute it buzzes and the doors force close.

5. Schindler MRL - after a minute if you press open when the doors are closeing the doors will still open but it buzzes and says "please mind the doors" and later the doors force close.

6. generic - after a minute the lift goes out of service, and will later go back into service if someone presses a button.

7. ALS - after a minute it cancels its calls and then if you press a button it replays its directional message.


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