Mola Structural Kit 4 - Kickstarter Campaign Video

Описание к видео Mola Structural Kit 4 - Kickstarter Campaign Video

Hello builders! Welcome to our fourth crowdfunding campaign. This time, an exclusive launch of three products: Mola Structural Kit 4 and two new accessories—Adjustable Connection and Ground Clip. Get ready to expand your building possibilities like never before.

Mola is a hands-on tool for anyone interested in the structures and buildings around us. It's a scientifically validated modular construction system that realistically simulates the behavior of structures.

With the new Mola 4 get ready to explore new frontiers of architectural structures! Welcome to the world of arches and shell with new curved bars to simulate arches, origami-inspired shell structures, and exclusive new components to allow for unprecedented building and customizable possibilities.

Back us now on Kickstarter and join our structure community:


Video Credits:

Production: PUSH Mídia (@push.midia)

Director: Matheus Ross
Screenplay: Marcio Sequeira and Diego Reeberg
Photography Director: Caio Trevisan
Producer: Bruna Corrêa and Victória Novais

3D modeling and rendering: Yuji Kamizono (@yujikamizonoarquitetura)

Special participation: Brendan Hasty, Haines Structural Group, Ravil Gizatulin, Muhammad Abrar


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