Deuteronomy 8:1-18 | Never Forget | Rich Jones

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Moses is giving his final speech to Israel; he is preparing them to cross the Jordan and enter that fair land they had waited 40 years to enter. Moses cannot enter the promised land with them, so he wants them to have these final words. It’s an epic speech.

He wants it to go well for Israel in that land and so he gives them this admonition, “O Israel, you should listen and be careful to take these words into your heart and do them; live by them, that it may be well with you and that you multiply greatly as the Lord promised.”

Then Moses gave Israel the greatest words God has ever spoken, “Hear O Israel, the Lord Jehovah is our God, the Lord is one! And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I giving you today, shall be on your heart and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and talk of them when you sit in your house and walk by the way.”

Then, when we come to chapter 8, Moses tells them again and again, “Never forget all that God is done.”

When you remember all that God has done for you, you are reminded that it was God who did it. It keeps you humble, it makes you thankful, it makes you appreciate God’s heart and God’s grace and God kindness. It brings you back to the love you had at the first.

But what if you do forget? If you forget all that God is done, you are no longer reminded that it was God who did it. You’re no longer humble, you’re no longer thankful, you no longer appreciate God’s heart and God’s grace and God’s kindness; because it wasn’t just the love that you had at the first that was so important, it was also the obedience you had at the first.

When you began this journey with God and you walked close to Him and your heart was thankful; you also clung to the principles of wisdom and understanding, the statutes and directives of God’s word for your life and you were blessed. His ways, his principles, his wisdom, his understanding, and his statutes guided you into the way of greatest blessing.

If you forget that it was God who gave you all those blessings, then you will also forget the love you had at the first and you will forget the principles and the Spirit that guided you. As a result, your heart will be lifted up and your proud heart will lead you to destruction. That’s why God says, “Never forget!” It’s the way of greatest blessing!

I. Remember All the Ways God has Led You

 Verse 2 - Moses instructed them that they should remember all the way, “Which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these 40 years.”

 Remembering all the ways which God led them in the wilderness those 40 years would also strengthen their faith.

 God has proven Himself to you; He has won you to Himself. He personally brought you out of Egypt with a mighty hand and made His power known to you. Never forget.

Illus - When I think back on all that God has done for me personally, I’m very thankful. But not only am I thankful, I am reminded again of God’s great power and how He has loved me. And I know that God is not finished with me yet. “God, you have done great things in my life; do it again!”

A. God will let you be hungry

 Verse 2 -- “Remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these 40 years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not.”
 Verse 3 -- “He humbled you and let you be hungry… and then fed you with manna.” Which was a miracle, by the way; a miraculous provision every single day for 40 years.
 The wilderness was a time of testing for Israel; it was an opportunity to trust God, to look to Him to be their provision and help in time of need.
 It was a test. God doesn’t just pour an overflowing abundance into your life. He let them be hungry. It was an opportunity for faith to be put into action.

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Pastor Rich Jones
Pastor Matthew Dodd
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