Koyori exposes Towa's jealousy to AquSui channel happens even behind the scene 【Hololive/ENG Sub】

Описание к видео Koyori exposes Towa's jealousy to AquSui channel happens even behind the scene 【Hololive/ENG Sub】

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Original source:
【#朝こよ】初!おうち3Dで朝こよ!お披露目翌日だよ~!! #57【博衣こより/ホロライブ】
   • 【#朝こよ】初!おうち3Dで朝こよ!お披露目翌日だよ~!! #57【博衣こ...  
Stream/Clip submission: https://forms.gle/1Q9PSVZH54uKqZGG7
The Intro video is made by @Teoi4Quote. I got full permission to use it.
Outro videos are short videos from Aqua's channel. Or from her streams, if she made some bloopers. It might be private or not.
#ホロライブ #hololive #朝こよ
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