Raspberry Pi 3: Review & Speed Tests

Описание к видео Raspberry Pi 3: Review & Speed Tests

My Raspberry Pi 3 review, including comparative speed tests with a Raspberry Pi 2 -- booting into Raspbian, loading Libre Office Writer, and applying a complex filter in the GIMP Photoshop clone.

You may also like this follow-up video when I do some CPU and GPU temperature tests:    • Raspberry Pi 3: CPU Temperature Tests...  

And you may also like some of my other Raspberry Pi videos -- including this one where I spend a whole week using a Raspberry Pi as my only computer:
   • Pi Week: Raspberry Pi as Only PC  

And this review of the Raspberry Pi Zero:
   • Raspberry Pi Zero: Review & Setup  

I also have a playlist of Raspberry Pi videos at:    • Raspberry Pi  

More videos on computing-related topics can be found at:    / explainingcomputers  

You may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at:    / explainingthefuture  


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