Mum Tries Out Kubuntu 24.10 (2024)

Описание к видео Mum Tries Out Kubuntu 24.10 (2024)

Diana Recently tried out Arix which uses the KDE 1.1.2 desktop environment from 1999 to transport you back in time while retaining compatibility with modern machines and software, however, this time around we decided to go modern and see what KDE has become in 2024 in the form of KDE Plasma 6.1. Oh and KDE is super Kustomizabe ;)

Kubuntu is based on Ubuntu but switches out the Gnome Desktop Environment for KDE Plasma 6.1. Amazingly, Kubuntu rollouts include the world's largest Linux desktop deployment, that includes more than 500,000 desktops in Brazil (in 42,000 schools of 4,000 cities). So it's definitely a distro with some real world usage!

Outro Music:    • Видео  
Walk Home - Solar (from about 2 minutes in)


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