DIY vaporizer with balloons, including trichomes microscopy before & after

Описание к видео DIY vaporizer with balloons, including trichomes microscopy before & after

General-purpose easy to build plug-in vaporizer, with good temperature stabilization and balloons for the collection of vapours.
Works up to 260°C / 500°F, with a precision of 1°C / 2°F temperature step.

Check the vaporization of trichomes as seen under a microscope in the last part of the guide.

To be verified: is this working also with Salvia? Probably, as it reaches higher T than normal vaporizers, which are occasionally reported to work with La Pastora.

18th Dec 2012: added warning on possible health effects of the materials used in the heat gun, for people particularly concerned. However, I am inclined to minimize the relevance of this problem, as Ni-Cr heating elements are usually built into heat guns, hair driers, e-cigarettes, air heaters, ...

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