LSTM and GRU in depth | How it works | BY YASHVI PATEL

Описание к видео LSTM and GRU in depth | How it works | BY YASHVI PATEL

In the previous video, you saw basic RNN and its exploding and vanishing gradient problems. In this video, I tried to explain the workings of Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) which is a modification to the RNN hidden layer that makes it much better capturing long term dependencies.

RNN video link -    • RNN simplified | Recurrent Neural Net...  

References -
colah's blog -


Hii folks,
I am Yashvi Patel , Software Developer with Data science skills and Kaggle Notebook Master. I created this channel to share my knowledge and experience with you all. This channel will include practical tutorials solving problems from Kaggle datasets and competitions. I will upload videos related to Data Science, Machine learning, Deep learning, Natural Language Processing, and Computer vision.

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