Making perfect PCB at home

Описание к видео Making perfect PCB at home

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I rarely use multi-purpose PCB. I usually make PCB from copper plate. It is beautiful, and works stably. Many team members often ask me how to make perfect PCB at home, so Today's video I will show you how to create perfect PCB from copper plate.
It consists of 8 basic steps.

Step 1: Cut the Copper Plate
Step 2: Clean the Copper Plate
Step 3: Transfer the PCB Print onto the Copper Plate
Step 4: Etch the Plate with FeCl3
Step 5: Remove ink with gasoline.
Step 6: Protect the PCB with turpentine solution
Step 7: Drill the PCB.
Step 8: Print the value of components (layer TOP)

All my projects are free, I design them on EAGLE 6.0. I uploaded it to Google drive. You need to use a web browser to download the file and open the file with winrar software (extract) on the PC. Open schematic file (.SCH) and PCB file (.BRD) with EAGLE software.
Hope you enjoy my videos and projects. Like, share and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. one more thing, thanks to everyone

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