Hydrastis Canadensis|| आँत और अमाशय की खास होम्योपैथिक दवाई||Symptoms Of Hydrastis Canadensis

Описание к видео Hydrastis Canadensis|| आँत और अमाशय की खास होम्योपैथिक दवाई||Symptoms Of Hydrastis Canadensis

I heartily welcome to all of you in our channel
In this video discussed about symptomatology of Hydrastis Canadensis, hydrastis is one of the great remedy for many kinds of disease related to gastrointestinal tract ! This remedy have alsow equal importance in any kind of catarrhal affection which produces:- yellow, ropy, Excoriating ,corroding discharge so this remedis known for homoeopathic antibiotics beacouse in case of some bacterial infection affected partse produces yellow discharge

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