Echoes of Heaven Gounod's Ave Maria

Описание к видео Echoes of Heaven Gounod's Ave Maria

木々の緑が映える春4月。新たな始まりの予感を感じさせる季節です。春の風に吹かれて軽やかな気分になる曲はいかがでしょうか。今月の曲はグノー作「アベマリア」。19世紀に活躍したフランスの音楽家グノーが作曲した声楽曲です。バッハが作曲した鍵盤楽器用作品集「平均律クラービア曲集」の旋律にラテン語の聖句を組み合わせた名曲です。春の海辺を散策しているときに思い浮かんだ歌詞を六弦ベースと合わせた楽曲を作ってみました。その音が天国からの響きに聞こえたので「Echoes of Heaven - Gounod's Ave Maria」という曲名にしてみました。いろいろな「アベマリア」の楽曲がありますが、好きな曲はありますか?

   / @defunclub9293  

In Japan, April, not January, is the beginning of the year. April is the month of entrance ceremonies, initiation ceremonies, and other events that remind us of the beginning of life. How about a song that makes you feel light and airy as the spring breeze blows?

This month's piece is "Ave Maria" by Gounod, a French musician active in the 19th century. It is a masterpiece that combines a melody from Bach's "Mean Clavier," a collection of works for keyboard instruments, with a Latin scripture.

I wrote a song combining lyrics that came to me while walking along the beach in spring with a six-string bass. The sound sounded like an echo from heaven, so I named the song "Echoes of Heaven - Gounod's Ave Maria". There are many different "Ave Maria" songs, do you have a favorite?

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   / @defunclub9293  


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