DCS WORLD: GABBY (4K Movie) by Hornet Productions

Описание к видео DCS WORLD: GABBY (4K Movie) by Hornet Productions

We are proud to announce the release of the DCS movie, GABBY.

This is a 50 minutes movie based on the fighter career of Francis Stanley “GABBY” Gabreski. One of only seven pilots who survived two of the worst wars that USA has ever been involved in and became an American ace in the WW2 and Korean War.

The movie is divided in 5 chapters and focused on his memorable moments during the WW2 in his P47 and in the Korean War, flying the F-86 Sabre. Some of the characters and events in this movie were dramatized and a number of events fictionalized for cinematic purposes.

This movie has been a rather long project that took us more than a year and a half of work and a lot of effort from the team was put into it. Number of books were read, websites and docs consulted for accurate research; more than 40
accurate skins designed, hundreds and hundreds of voice overs and Terabites of recording clips plus thousand of sound effects were added. Without a doubt this is a unique piece of machinima!

As a result we get a movie as we’ve never seen before on YouTube. A movie inspired by true events, with a story line described by an amazing narrator that drives you from WW2 over the skies of Normandy to the Korean War Mig encounters.

From Hornet Productions we really want to thank all people involved in this movie. We know it was a hard work for some of you and a huge time dedication. We couldn’t have pulled this off without you. Thank you!

And the most important, we want to dedicate this to our followers and supporters and to all DCS World community. You all guys are amazing!
I hope you enjoy our work as much as we enjoyed producing it.

Dedicated to Miguel Ángel "GADGET" González

We would like to specially mention to Pew Pew Meow, who did and astonishing work on their VO. Thank you for your time and effort!

Hornet Productions Team

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Movie content:
00:00 Chapter 1: Jet times
08:53 Chapter 2: Mig Alley
20:12 Chapter 3: Old Europe
28:08 Chapter 4: The lesson
39:33 Chapter 5: Deftly & Swiftly ( Maple Special )


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