Digital Mine - Mine Automation - South Africa Mining Industry

Описание к видео Digital Mine - Mine Automation - South Africa Mining Industry

Digitalizing Africa's Mines
Artificial intelligence and advanced data analytics can help Africa’s mining companies optimize their operations and enable them to capitalize on growing demand for the minerals they produce. But new technology also brings new challenges that firms and governments must be ready to confront.Digitization may hold the key to unlocking greater value from mining operations but brings with it challenges for third-world countries in particular that could prohibit its effective utilisation.Africa is a world leader in volume of reserves and the extraction of many valuable raw materials and fuels, over 90% of which is then exported. The mining industry forms the basis of many countries’ industrial capacity and exports, accounting for around 75% of all foreign investment. Traditional field development methods are becoming increasingly expensive. Productivity is dropping due to high maintenance costs, unreliable equipment, reactive troubleshooting, low capacity factors and incidents related to safety violations. What new technologies can ensure the development of modern industry? How can workplace and environmental safety issues in the mining industry are dealt with effectively?
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