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Описание к видео Best IVF clinic hospital in Delhi, low cost IVF in Delhi, best IVF centre in India, best IVF doctor

Yet another couple narrating their happy experience purely voluntarily out of their sheer joy with the hope that someone just like them going through miserable times of infertility would learn from them, register at Janini IVF, choose the right IVF centre amongst so many bad ones, and finally make the parenthood dream come true.

Yet again this couple have had more than 5 previous IVF attempts tried - not not just at random places but at so-called 'reputable' hospitals that charge a bomb. And every time, due to poor quality of embryos or whatever (which was also not told to them properly), they failed in all those 5 attempts. Neither were they disclosed what could have been the reason of their IVF failure, every-time instead they were insisted on 'being positive' and 'don't take stress' as if it was even possible to do so! Rather than reflecting on their own weaknesses like poorly qualified "fly-by" visiting embryologists who don't really care for the patients, or sub-calibrated equipment not keeping up with the latest technology they would instead blame the poor patient as to why you are taking so much stress!!!

Anyway, all's well that ends well. And certainly for Mrs. Shveta Kalra and husband everything seems to have ended well. Yesterday they could not contain their happiness when they visited us to show their healthy pregnancy ultrasound of 9 weeks showing healthy growth and normal heart beat. Next scan will be the one called 'Level-1' scan which is vitally paramount and after that there will be no looking back.

If you are harrowed with the decision of which IVF centre to choose; trust me, go with the one who is the WEAKEST in their marketing efforts. Even today, at Janini IVF, our net spending on marketing tactics like auto rickshaws, metros, newspapers, media, radio channels, Google, etc. is a big ZERO. And there are so many centres of dis-repute (don't want to name them) who take JOY only in spending funds for senseless marketing, treat patients as mere 'numbers' and at the end of the day don't have even 50% success rates. When a negative patient would come are argue about their outcome to their clinics, their doctors are adequately trained exactly what to say and keep chanting the defensive line "there is no guarantee in IVF so it's not our fault". I have personally seen more than hundreds of couples who have lost their life-time savings with such robbers of IVF centres that have brought shame to our industry.

Anyway again, like how all apples are not rotten, about 10% professionals in any industry will be corrupted and we can't help about it. Only we we can protect ourselves is to educate ourselves, ask our well-wishers and check any IVF centre's Google reviews, video testimonials (which cannot be faked beyond a point) and their website (is it informative enough? It is updated with all the academic knowledge?)

So, just like Shveta Kalra, CHOOSE THE RIGHT IVF CENTRE. Do NOT fall into the trap of marketing geniuses. They will rip you off and you will not even realise it until you will get a negative betahcg report in your hand.

Contact us at :-

Janini IVF,
A 3/12, first floor,
Paschim Vihar
Near Jwala Heri Market,
New Delhi - 110063
Email : [email protected]
Website : (highly recommended to read at least once) :
Phone : +91 9717996655
Social media : Janini IVF page and Twitter handle

All the very best from team Janini IVF !!!


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