Make Sure Your Values And Behaviors Align

Описание к видео Make Sure Your Values And Behaviors Align

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What is important to you? What do you value? Values are things that are important (of value) to us.

Values must be vertical, not horizontal, or everything has equal value. Both individuals and organizations must periodically rank values to know the priority each value has relative to the others.

If everything in your life holds the same priority, then you are just as devastated by the death of a loved one as you are by being held up in a traffic jam.

And many people are! Some people get so upset about being cut off in traffic that they couldn't possibly be more upset if a loved one tragically died. Reflect and ensure that your values and behaviors align.

A good way to conduct a personal audit is to look at how you spent your time and your money the past year. Since actions speak louder than words, how we spend our time and money is a good measure of what we think is important.

Carlos Alvarez, Senior Training Consultant for Tero International facilitates this Tero TIps video.

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