MORE Aquatic Ecological Succession - This Happens When Leaving Water Outside for 4.5 months

Описание к видео MORE Aquatic Ecological Succession - This Happens When Leaving Water Outside for 4.5 months

What happens after leaving an empty tub of water outside for four and a half months? Aquatic ecological succession happens, resulting in the formation of a new ecosystem, complete with microbes such as bdelloid rotifers, haematococcus algae and spirotrich ciliates, and even insects like Ceratopogonidae mosquitoes. This video updates on what happened to the young ecosystem in the first few months. Aquatic succession is the process by which an empty body of water slowly turns into a biodiverse ecosystem. Through the process of succession that ecosystem constantly changes, and eventually the pond turns into a swamp and later even a forest. We also take a look at the microbial community that has formed in this short period under the new microscope, with phase contrast and dark field.



Patrons: Claudia Watrin, Justin Duch, Connor Johnson, Cherry's Jubilee Costume and Design, Lisa L. Altizer, Quim Gil


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