[ENG SUB] 예쁜입술 제조기!!💋오드타입 언씬벌룬틴트 전색상 발색리뷰 ! odd type unseen balloon tint review

Описание к видео [ENG SUB] 예쁜입술 제조기!!💋오드타입 언씬벌룬틴트 전색상 발색리뷰 ! odd type unseen balloon tint review

안녕하세요! 힙스켓입니다😊
오늘 준비한 영상은 odd type의 unseen balloon tint입니다! 투명하고 맑은 발색이 너무너무 만족스러웠던 제품이에요! 🩷
도움되는 영상이 되길 바랍니다!

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Hi! i'm hipsket😊
Today's review is odd type's 'unseen balloon tint'!
I was so satisfied! cuz that is soooo pure and innocent lip color!
i hope it is useful review!

00:00 intro
00:25 리뷰시작 review start
00:57 제형 texture
01:28 팔뚝발색샷 color swatch

[187 all hours ] #올아워즈

01:47💄187 올아워즈 all hours
02:27💄 비슷한컬러 비교 compare with similar color
02:49 🩷얼굴발색 put on lip
04:27 💋입술샷 lip cut only

[245 geek ] #긱

04:41💄245 긱 geek
05:00💄 비슷한컬러 비교 compare with similar color
05:19 🩷얼굴발색 put on lip
06:39 💋입술샷 lip cut only

[421 purity ] #순수

06:49 💄421 순수 purity
07:14 💄 비슷한컬러 비교 compare with similar color
07:38 🩷얼굴발색 put on lip
08:32 💋입술샷 lip cut only

[515 delight ] #환희

08:44 💄515 환희 delight
09:11 💄 비슷한컬러 비교 compare with similar color
09:25 🩷얼굴발색 put on lip
10:44 💋입술샷 lip cut only

[652 see-through ] #시스루

10:56 💄652 시스루 see-through
11:21 💄 시스루 vs 순수 see-through vs purity
11:31 💄 비슷한컬러 비교 compare with similar color
11:47 🩷얼굴발색 put on lip
12:35 💋입술샷 lip cut only

[877 rizz ] #리즈

12:47 💄877 리즈 rizz
13:15 💄올아워즈 vs 리즈 all hours vs rizz
13:25 💄 비슷한컬러 비교 compare with similar color
13:45 🩷얼굴발색 put on lip
15:51 💋입술샷 lip cut only

16:03 총평 general review


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