Описание к видео FIRE SKINK CARE GUIDE!

We have been working with Fire Skinks for a few years now and they proven to be a very rewarding species to keep. These Fire Skinks have to be one of the most beautiful looking skinks in the reptile hobby and we are very excited to have bred them two years in a row now. We learn all about the care of Fire Skinks in this video and we also take a look at some of the babies that we bred at Ultimate Exotics. We hope you enjoy :)

For more information check out this cool Fire Skink article on our website!

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Ultimate Exotics reptile breeding facility is a state of the art reptile breeding facility based in South Africa. We are passionate about our reptiles and their care, well-being and hygiene is very important to us and is the back bone of our success. Through over 20 years of captive breeding reptiles we have established a collection of high quality reptiles that we are proud of and through this channel we hope to share with you our experience and the awesome reptiles we work with!

You can also follow us on Instagram, where we post lots of cool photos and videos on our reptiles:

Don’t forget to also check out our Facebook page:   / uereptiles  

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