How to Surf the Waves of Uncertainty, Part 2: Cultivating Steadiness, with Jonathan Foust

Описание к видео How to Surf the Waves of Uncertainty, Part 2: Cultivating Steadiness, with Jonathan Foust

More on how to keep you keel in the water when navigating uncertainty.

You’ll learn some practical strategies for finding ‘refuge,’ or a place of presence, particularly accessing wisdom - clear seeing, Compassion - a heart that can hold it all, Presence - the space of awareness itself, and skillful action - strategies for staying deeply present in the midst of change.

In the Buddhist tradition, the teachings are considered so precious as to be priceless. Thus, they are given freely with the invitation for participants to offer voluntary donations. Your support is the fuel that helps me continue what I do.

You may also join Mindful Movement session before class. For more information:

Tonight’s session will be available soon on my YouTube Channel and website:


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