【公視 誰來晚餐13-21】我的出生把大家串在一起:橋頭糖廠裡的重組家庭|Guess Who: The Glue That Holds Us Together (Eng Sub)

Описание к видео 【公視 誰來晚餐13-21】我的出生把大家串在一起:橋頭糖廠裡的重組家庭|Guess Who: The Glue That Holds Us Together (Eng Sub)








Knowing the pain of divorce, when Sunny and Jungle got a second chance at love, they vowed to put each other’s emotional well-being at the center of family life. The birth of their son Akun cemented their love and became the glue to bond this blended family together. Refusing to accept traditional family values as sacrosanct, Sunny and Jungle are living life on their terms and redefining the definition of what it means to be “family.” Today, we meet Sunny and Jungle as they endeavor to strike a balance between being true to themselves and honoring family obligations. They say it was love at first sight, but what bittersweet event helped forge their unbreakable bond? Jungle believes a laissez-faire attitude to fatherhood is the best way, but do his kids agree? Sunny is basking in her newfound love and family life, but what painful regrets remain buried deep in her heart?

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🏠公視 誰來晚餐 【我的出生把大家串在一起】​

▪ 1/21(五)21:00|公視​
▪ 誰來晚餐YouTube、facebook同步直播​
▪ 你還沒認識的家庭故事,你還沒認識的台灣​

#誰來晚餐 #公視 #公共電視 #公視誰來晚餐 #台灣家庭實境節目第一品牌 #誰來晚餐第13季 #重組家庭 #再婚 #親子 #祖孫 #隔代教養 #橋頭糖廠


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