Unveiling Women's Leadership in Africa: Unlocking Individual Potential feat. Dr. Samukeliso Dube

Описание к видео Unveiling Women's Leadership in Africa: Unlocking Individual Potential feat. Dr. Samukeliso Dube

In this episode, Ben Owden sits down with Dr. Samukeliso Dube, Executive Director of FP2030, for an insightful conversation. Dr. Dube shares her thoughts on unlocking individual potential through intentionality and continuous improvement, drawing inspiration from her grandmother and emphasizing the importance of embracing discomfort for growth.

They also discuss critical issues of diversity and inclusion, with Dr. Dube highlighting the need to empower women leaders, create supportive environments, and move beyond tokenism to achieve meaningful inclusion through policy reforms and quotas.
#WLHGC2024 #ReimaginingLeadership


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