Natalie Gray - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Описание к видео Natalie Gray - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

00:00:00 - Introduction to Natalie Gray
00:03:26 - Seeking Enlightenment
00:05:19 - My Encounter with a Mythical Guru
00:07:31 - Interviewing Robert
00:09:44 - The Many Perspectives of Awakening
00:13:39 - Embracing the Mystery of Life
00:17:52 - Pragya anchored to Kutastha
00:20:51 - The Ordinary and Fascinating Journey
00:23:03 - The Mechanics of Transformation
00:26:07 - The Absolute Experiencing Itself
00:29:46 - Life After Enlightenment
00:31:25 - The Death of the Self
00:34:23 - Embracing What Is
00:36:25 - Speaking spontaneously without attachment to outcomes
00:38:49 - Oneness and the Nature of Existence
00:41:35 - The Birth of "I"
00:44:51 - The Perception of Reality
00:49:41 - The Perspective of Everything is Perfect and Everything Needs Fixing
00:53:39 - The Meaning of Purpose
00:55:58 - The Ordinary Nature of Awakening
00:58:04 - The Ordinariness of Well-Known Non-Dual Teachers
01:01:00 - The Ordinary Remnants of Life
01:02:36 - The Circumstances of Your Dharma
01:04:07 - Finding Beauty in Ordinary Activities
01:05:56 - The Criteria for Realization
01:08:10 - The Never-Ending Refinement
01:11:13 - The Post-Awakening Roadmap
01:14:26 - A Saturation of Experience
01:17:08 - Playing Our Roles, Holding Up Our Sticks
01:20:34 - The Nature of Blame and Responsibility
01:24:03 - Signing up for email notifications and donations

Natalie Gray is an ordinary person who spent the first 25 years of her adult life searching for meaning and answers. In her search, she looked for those answers in several places, including: trying to find a calling (as an actress, teacher and life coach), through self-help and awareness seminars, through study and initiation with various spiritual teachers and teachings and through the use of drugs. After coming to the realization that no one or no thing outside of herself was going to be able to give Natalie what she wanted, she began an intense personal and internal search for the truth. In the fall of 2010, Natalie experienced what she refers to as "...the end of seeking. I was done," she says. "I had no more questions. I needed no more answers. What was sought had been found."

Since then, Natalie has shared her experience and insights through her blog, and in videos on YouTube. She communicates regularly and freely with individuals who have questions or are interested in talking about nonduality. You can reach her by email.

Interview recorded 11/26/2011


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