Mukhtsar - In Surah Yasin, there is a parable about the inhabitants of a city who rejected the messengers sent to them, known as the People of the Town. Allah sent two messengers to the people, but they denied and rejected the message brought to them. Allah then strengthened them by sending a third messenger. The people of the city responded with arrogance, accusing the messengers of being mere liars and that they were just ordinary humans like them. This was deeply disappointing. There are differing opinions among scholars regarding the names of the three messengers, their place of dispatch, and whether they were prophets, messengers, or just ordinary envoys. Some views identify them as messengers of Allah sent directly, while others consider them as messengers of Prophet Isa. However, the identity of the messengers is not the main focus that Allah wants to emphasize. The Quran does not clearly disclose their identities. What is crucial is the spirit of their struggle in spreading the message, which can serve as an example for us. In this story, it is narrated that the messengers faced rejection and arrogance from the people of the city. They endeavored to convince the people with clear and polite arguments. However, the people continued to reject and even threatened them. In an effort to prove the truth of their message, the messengers performed miracles of healing. They cured a sick child and even revived someone who had died. Yet, the king and the inhabitants of the city still rejected and killed the three messengers. These stories are recounted in the Quran to provide lessons and warnings to humanity, especially to the Quraysh who rejected the teachings and message brought by Prophet Muhammad. The Quran emphasizes the importance of religious freedom and that the duty of a purveyor of goodness is to convey the message clearly without forcing others to believe in it.

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