What is Britain's Biggest Spider?

Описание к видео What is Britain's Biggest Spider?

I look at the biggest spiders found in the UK and why there is a debate over which is biggest

Fen Raft spiders, House spiders including Cardinal Spider, Green fanged Funnel Web Spider and Four spotted Orb Weaver, and talk about another possible candidate that's rarely mentioned, the Wasp Spider

Photo credits

Segestria florentina Spider by John K Thorne https://www.flickr.com/photos/seattle...

Tegenaria parietina with a 3.5 inch diskette in the background by Belgani https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...

Vierfleckige Kreuzspinne (Araneus quadratus) by Marcus Börner

Vierfleckkreuzspinne (Araneus quadratus) by Holger Krisp


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