What To Do When Friends Borrow Money and Don't Pay It Back

Описание к видео What To Do When Friends Borrow Money and Don't Pay It Back

When you lend money to your friends and they promise to pay you back… but then they don’t. Loaning money to friends and family changes the power dynamic in your relationship and it will never be the same, which is why you shouldn’t do it. It gets annoying to constantly nag for your money back and they take their sweet time, when it was YOUR money. But if you already did it, then this is how you handle people who borrow money and get your money back.

00:00 My ex-coworker who borrowed money from everybody!!!
01:45 Option 1
02:08 Option 2
02:33 Option 3
03:08 Option 4
04:01 Option 5

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English Transcriptionist: Maureen Wawira
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