THE BIGGEST league of legends UPDATE EVER !!!

Описание к видео THE BIGGEST league of legends UPDATE EVER !!!

#leagueoflegends #riotgames #newseason

NOXUS SEASON Is Coming to league of legends! Here's What You Need to Know - Riot Games surprised us with the new League of legends season, and trust me everything is about to change, 2025 will be riot games year, Atakhan, Viktor rework and map changes and there is more!!!

🔵Thank you for watching the video, like and subscribe :D !

🔴TikTok:   / shiedaruki  

credit to :BigBadBear/Remus/Vandiril on Youtube

0:00 - 0:43 New Epic Jungle Monster
0:43 - 0:56 Teleport Rework
0:56 - 1:18 Viktor Rework
1:18 - 1:43 Mel New Champion
1:43 - 2:53 Noxus Season In General
2:53 - 3:00 Mordekaiser new skin
3:00 - 3:31 New Runes
3:31 - 3:34 Online Practice Tool
3:34 - 3:44 SwiftPlay Mod


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