Setup Elasticsearch Cluster + Kibana 8.x

Описание к видео Setup Elasticsearch Cluster + Kibana 8.x

This video shows how to set up an #elasticsearch cluster with 5 nodes with #kibana.

This video shows you how to create SSL with Let's Encrypt
   • Create Let's Encrypt SSL with Ubuntu  

Configuration files used can be found here:

NOTE 0: Video on how to start an elasticsearch cluster with docker can be found here:    • Elasticsearch Cluster + Docker  

NOTE 1: It would be a good idea to also do the following your in installation for production usage:
use a firewall to protect unnecessary ports
change default port numbers for elastic and kibana (explained in video)

NOTE 2: If you want to use elasticsearch self signed certificates for the, and you want kibana to connect to the cluster, you have two options:

option 1: add this line to your kibana.yml file

elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: [ "/etc/kibana/certs/http_ca.crt" ]

Where the http_ca.crt is a copy of /etc/elasticsearch/certs/http_ca.crt.from node 1

option2: add these two lines to your kibana.yml file

elasticsearch.ssl.keystore.path: [ "/etc/kibana/certs/http.p12" ]
elasticsearch.ssl.truststore.path: [ "/etc/kibana/certs/http.p12" ]

Where the http.p12 is a copy of /etc/elasticsearch/certs/http.p12 from node 1

NOTE 3: As of elasticsearch v8.6.2, sometimes node1 might not start up on its own. If you want node1 to start up on its own, then comment out the `cluster.initial_master_nodes`, then add the line `discovery.type: single-node`. Once yyou start up node 1, you should be able to use CLI tools like `/elasticsearch-reset-password` and `./elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token`. Once you are ready to add node2 and onwards to the cluster, you can revert the `discovery.type: single-node` and `cluster.initial_master_node` on node1 and restart node1. This is a pretty ugly solution, but feel free so share with us a better way should you discover it!

Table of Contents:
00:00 - Introduction
03:37 - Install Elasticsearch
07:15 - Configure and run node 1 (master node)
16:20 - Add node 2, 3, 4 and 5
29:55 - Publicly signed SSL for node 1
37:14 - Split-brain effect
42:55 - Install Kibana
54:45 - Summary

Written Summary Here:


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