Maria Callas singing in Full Chest Placement

Описание к видео Maria Callas singing in Full Chest Placement

Highlighted comments from the commenters below:
-From M T:
How can anyone listen to this woman and not realise they're hearing a musical genius.. nobody even comes close. take any musical prodigy from any field, pianist, violinist, singer whatever... nobody constructs a musical phrase like her. there's a fluidity and this perfect structure to everything she does. that's why hearing others is so dissatisfying. it has nothing to do with range or whether or not the voice is beautiful. it's the structure.. she was the orchestra AND the conductor of the whole piece. she and only she deserves full credit, for without her, it all falls apart and becomes uninteresting and mediocre. Soprano and Singer don't even come close. she was a musical architect. I listen to her everyday, and I'm stunned every time.. and if I'm not stunned by some phrase today, sooner or later I'll realise that even those things I take for granted are amazing. There isn't a single note that came out of her mouth that wasn't utterly musical and genius. I don't understand how someone could think like that, much less SING it like that. There IS something divine at work with her
-From jmiller05:
The supernatural chest voice that convinced the operatic cliques that she had terrible technique and ruined her voice.
Not only is this definitive use of low voice (legato, colour, volume), she connects it seamlessly to all registers with no bumps or drag/drop in support. It's quite simply a freak act of nature for someone to be able to sing like this.
-From Lohengrin O:
Chest Voice Festival!
...her early Gioconda is a miracle of singing although she herself had said that if anyone ever truly wanted to know what she was all about, he should listen to her 1959 Gioconda.. but her early Gioconda will never be vocally beaten unless a true dramatic contralto (which is a vocal fach that probably does not exist - I mean contralto alla Podles with extension up to C6) decides not only to sing Gioconda but to actually destroy her Voice while singing with the role... in the film of F Fellini "E la nave va", when the company of artists asks the Clair Voyant that channels the spirit of Edmea Tetoua (Edmea = Medea = Callas) what the role that tortured Edmea the most was, a picture of da Vinci's Gioconda falls down to the floor.. and perhaps that is the reason that as early as 1952 Callas dropped the role from her repertoire (After singing quite many times though)... in the interview of Gerald Moore (the famous vocal teacher) by Ian Burnside for BBC3, when Ian asks Gerald why Callas' voice was destroyed "early" Mr Moore plays the early Suicidio and says: ... to bring the chest placement so up in middle voice and to project the middle voice with such heavy chest placement is what one would actually call a Vocal Suicide
Disclaimer - I own nothing


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