Paediatric | Laryngology | Mr Yogesh Bajaj

Описание к видео Paediatric | Laryngology | Mr Yogesh Bajaj

Mr Yogesh Bajaj
Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon
Barts & Royal London Hospitals

Barts ENT Online Teaching Programme,
9th November 2020

Curriculum topics (UK Otolaryngology Higher Surgical Training 2017)
1. Paediatric Otolaryngology - Airway pathology in childhood; The Drooling Child

00:38 - Laryngomalacia
03:36 - Types of laryngomalacia
04:23 - Laryngomalacia management
06:42 - Aryepiglottoplasty
10:34 - Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
12:09 - Epidemiology, aetiology, transmission and risk factors for RRP
17:12 - Histology of RRP
18:09 - Clinical features of RRP
21:04 - Malignant transformation in RRP
22:09 - Patient assessment in RRP
23:30 - Surgery in RRP
27:03 - Adjuvant medical treatment in RRP
29:27 - Summary of RRP
30:34 - Vocal cord palsy
32:23 - Management of VCP
34:22 - Q&A


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