(中文) Quayside Penang 1房全海景单位 | 富人区 | 高级公寓 | Scott Seow Penang Realtor 槟城马来西亚房产中介

Описание к видео (中文) Quayside Penang 1房全海景单位 | 富人区 | 高级公寓 | Scott Seow Penang Realtor 槟城马来西亚房产中介

Quayside Seafront Resort Condominium, Seri Tanjung Pinang, Tanjung Tokong, Penang


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📌1,137 square feet ; 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms (1房2厕)
📌Selling Price 卖价 : Rm 1,280,000
📌estimated cost to own this property 估计手续费,印花税等等 :
1. legal fees for sales & purchase agreement 买卖合约律师费 @ RM 15,000
2. stamp duty for MOT (Memorandum of transfer) 房地产转名印花税 : Rm 35,200
(外国人 Rm 51,200)
3. agent fees @ 1% 中介费 = Rm 12,800

📌+if purchase by bank loan 如果银行贷款 :
4. loan legal fees 贷款合约律师费@ Rm 13,000
5. loan stamp duty 贷款印花税 @ Rm 5,760
6. bank valuation fees 银行估价费 @ Rm 3,000

📌+if you're foreigner 如果是外国人
7. foreigner state consent Rm 10,000
8. foreigner state levy @ 3% = Rm 38,400

***(all the fees here like legal fees are quote based on higher amount, so i think should be safe enough for you to standby these amount of money, the actual fees could be slightly lesser, just that i'm quoting a slightly higher amount just in case) 大致上这里的费用应该八九不离十了,有些费用我有特意写高了一些以防万一/避免写低/写少

***(foreigner state levy for property below Rm 1.5m i think is around 1.5% but to be safe, i quote it at 3% first just in case)

00:00 : Quayside Seafront Resort condo 影片开始
00:09 : 无人机观看Quayside Seafront Resort Condominium
00:16 : 开始介绍一房单位,门口
01:00 : 浴室
01:20 : 换洗处
02:06 : 阳台,风景,沙滩
04:05 : 客厅厨房
04:57 : 主人房,浴室
06:50 : 快速了解整个项目
09:30 : 1+1 bedroom 1,371 square feet explanation
11:33 : 公共设施

📌详细资料: (网页还没好,稍等稍等😅)
📌website 网站: www.mypropertydeals.com.my

📌YouTube (english): My Property Deals    / @scottseowrealestate  
📌YouTube (chinese): 萧siao说房 - Scott Seow    / @scottseow96  

📌Instagram: scottseow96 - read on instagram:   / cqnj1scpldp  

👉 小红书 : http://bit.ly/3IOlKMt
👉 Instagram:   / scottseow96  
👉 Facebook: 萧siao ah 说房 -   / scottseow96  
👉 TikTok: bit.ly/3CUgp2q
👉 LinkedIn: bit.ly/3Xhcd4K
👉 Twitter: bit.ly/3XALtfu
👉 微信Wechat: scottseow96
👉 email: [email protected]

我的联系方式 My contact +6011-1098 4066 Scott


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