Kiln Base Frame Detail Over View | Rigid Support | Semi Rigid Support | Self Aligning Support

Описание к видео Kiln Base Frame Detail Over View | Rigid Support | Semi Rigid Support | Self Aligning Support

Detail overview about Rotary Kiln Type, Innovation & Advantage of Kiln Support system.

Mr. JK Singh (Whattapp: +91 8106351454) has experience in project engineering, designing, operation & maintenance. Email-ID for any Technical Guidance & Support : [email protected]

1. Rigid Support: Concrete embedded design base plates fabricated of steel beams and fastened to the foundations with heavy foundation bolts. Some of the supports include central brackets for the bolting of thrust devices.

2. Semi Rigid Support: The support is provided with a base frame with a central welded-up frame with four hinged beams to support the bearings. The opposite end of the beams is supported on the concrete via the intermediate elastomeric bearings.

3. Self Aligning Type Base frame: It is designed for two support kilns with friction drive that demands a continuous and straight contact between the Kiln Tyre and Roller faces. The design is characterized by allowing the roller face to be vertically and horizontally aligned with the Kiln Tyre contact face.

1. Same design as the semi-rigid design but the elastomeric pads are replaced by a pivoting transversal beam.

2. Similar design but with the possibility of controlling the “skewing” of the bases under each roller, thereby controlling the axial forces on the kiln.

Advantage of Self Aligning Type Base frame: Increased allowable Hertz pressure permits smaller Roller and Tyres, Correct alignment of kiln becomes less significant

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