Spine Infection: Causes and Treatment.

Описание к видео Spine Infection: Causes and Treatment.

Spine infections are commonly caused by bacteria ( Tuberculosis or Pyogenic) and can result from various sources, such as bloodstream infections, surgical procedures, or adjacent infections spreading to the spine. Symptoms often include severe back pain, fever, and neurological deficits when it starts compressing the spinal cord or nerves.

Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent complications such as spinal deformities or neurological damage.

Treatment typically involves a combination of antibiotics, Anti Tubercluosis medications, and sometimes surgical intervention to drain abscesses or stabilize the spine.

Shall you have any doubts or questions related to spine issues, please do not hesitate to contact us below at ⬇️
Mob.no: +91 8668270346
Email id: [email protected]
Instagram: spineline
Web: www.zenspine.in

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