BBC question time biased racist rhetoric against Reform UK Nigel Farage

Описание к видео BBC question time biased racist rhetoric against Reform UK Nigel Farage

I would like to thank everyone who has watched or commented etc on this video,I'm or would like now to do a pod cast on this subject of this video and take it to the next level and dig deeper in to this video and people's comments and see if we can find common ground if that makes any sense,thank you all,god bless England.
my favorite peace of Farage going against main stream media or msm this is why Britain as lost her heart no respect shown to people who want the best for her or this great Britain.people enjoying calling this man a racist totally disgusted(racist cards been abused here because they are wrong or scared of the truth) keep on pushing farage 10.000.000 at least by the next election see how this audience likes it then get them all back all of that audience back for another question time see how smug they are calling at least 10.000.000 British racists because we are not racist we are sick of this racist card been abused this is England not the middle east or eastern Europe its England and it will always be a Christian country god bless her,I swear on the bible on this.
msm set up dirty politics etc.


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