
Описание к видео #长沙旅游攻略

长沙市,别称星城,湖南省辖地级市,湖南省省会、特大城市, 位于湖南省东部偏北,湘江下游和长浏盆地西缘, 是长株潭都市圈核心城市, 国务院批复确定的长江中游地区重要的中心城市 。总面积11819平方千米,截至2023年末,长沙市常住人口为1051.31万人,城镇化率为83.59%。 截至2023年10月,长沙市下辖6个市辖区、1个县,代管2个县级市,市人民政府驻岳麓区岳麓大道218号。
长沙市是首批国家历史文化名城,历经三千年城名、城址不变,有“屈贾之乡”“楚汉名城”“潇湘洙泗”之称。拥有马王堆汉墓、四羊方尊、三国吴简、岳麓书院、铜官窑等历史遗迹。凝练出“经世致用、兼收并蓄”的湖湘文化。既是清末维新运动和旧民主主义革命策源地之一,又是新民主主义的发祥地之一。走出了黄兴、蔡锷、刘少奇等名人。 长沙是全国“两型社会”综合配套改革试验区、中国重要的粮食生产基地,长江中游城市群和长江经济带重要的节点城市, 综合交通枢纽和国家物流枢纽。
长沙市是中国(大陆)国际形象最佳城市、东亚文化之都、世界“媒体艺术之都”。拥有杂交水稻育种、“天河”超级计算机、国内首台3D烧结打印机等科研成果。 [189]有岳麓山、橘子洲、湖南省博物馆、花明楼 、世界之窗、天心阁、杜甫江阁等著名景点。印机等科研成果。 有岳麓山、橘子洲、湖南省博物馆、花明楼 、世界之窗、天心阁、杜甫江阁等著名景点。
Changsha City, also known as Xingcheng, is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of Hunan Province. It is the capital and mega city of Hunan Province, located in the eastern northern part of Hunan Province, in the lower reaches of the Xiang River and the western edge of the Changliu Basin. It is the core city of the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan metropolitan area and an important central city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River approved by the State Council. The total area is 11819 square kilometers. As of the end of 2023, the permanent population of Changsha City is 10.5131 million, with an urbanization rate of 83.59%. As of October 2023, Changsha City has 6 municipal districts and 1 county under its jurisdiction, managing 2 county-level cities. The Municipal People's Government is located at No. 218 Yuelu Avenue, Yuelu District.
Changsha is one of the first national historical and cultural cities. After three thousand years, the city name and site have remained unchanged, and it is known as the "hometown of Qu Jia," "famous city of Chu and Han," and "Zhusi of Xiaoxiang.". It has historical relics such as the Mawangdui Han Tomb, the Four Yang Fang Zun, the Three Kingdoms Wu Jian, the Yuelu Academy, and the Tongguan Kiln. To condense the Hunan culture of "practicality and inclusiveness". It is not only one of the birthplaces of the late Qing Dynasty's Reform Movement and the Old Democratic Revolution, but also one of the birthplaces of New Democracy. Famous figures such as Huang Xing, Cai E, and Liu Shaoqi have emerged. Changsha is a national pilot zone for the comprehensive reform of the "two oriented society", an important grain production base in China, a key node city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River urban agglomeration and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, a comprehensive transportation hub, and a national logistics hub.
Changsha is the city with the best international image in China (mainland), the capital of East Asian culture, and the "capital of media arts" in the world. We have scientific research achievements in hybrid rice breeding, Tianhe supercomputer, and the first 3D sintering printer in China. [189] There are Yuelu Mountain, Juzizhou, Hunan Provincial Museum, Huaming Tower, Window of the World, Tianxin Pavilion, Dufu River Pavilion and other famous scenic spots. Scientific research achievements such as printing machines. There are Yuelu Mountain, Juzizhou, Hunan Provincial Museum, Huaming Tower, Window of the World, Tianxin Pavilion, Dufu River Pavilion and other famous scenic spots.


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