Webinar Replay: Architectural Photography 101, with Jeffrey Totaro

Описание к видео Webinar Replay: Architectural Photography 101, with Jeffrey Totaro

In this webinar, Jeffrey gives an overview of architectural photography. Topics included composition, equipment choices, the difference between architectural photography and real estate photography, tethered capture, and post-production with Capture One and Photoshop.

About Jeffrey Totaro

Jeffrey Totaro has had a life-long interest in building design and construction. Before becoming a photographer, he worked as an architect and structural engineer in Philadelphia. A self-taught photographer, Jeffrey transitioned to professional photography in 1996 and has since built an impressive portfolio of commercial, residential, and institutional photography for leading firms in Philadelphia and around the country. Since 2008, Jeffrey has been teaching architectural photography through workshops with the Palm Beach Photographic Center, Phase One, and various online events with Digital Transitions and others.


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