How to turn off reviewing markups in Word

Описание к видео How to turn off reviewing markups in Word

This is a really short video but it shows how to solve a big problem for many authors.

If you use the reviewing toolbar in Word, you probably love it. It's a great way to work collaboratively with your editor(s) and proof-readers. It's also invaluable if you do any writing with other authors.

But many people struggle with how to turn the thing off! You can accept/reject all changes and delete all comments but still it opens in the 'Final Showing Markup' layout, where the manuscript text is squished over to the left. This video shows how to turn that off once and for all - and you will know how to turn it back on when you need it in future.

Here's how in text format:

1. Click the Office icon at the top left of the screen
2. Click Word Options at the bottom of the window.
3. Click Trust Center
4. Click Trust Center Settings
5. Click Privacy Options
6. Deselect the checkbox next to 'Make hidden markup visible when opening or saving'

That's it. Takes seconds and saves you a world of frustration!


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