makeup tutorial using only 1 brand BENEFIT COSMETICS ! Everyday/ Natural/ School/ Work glam

Описание к видео makeup tutorial using only 1 brand BENEFIT COSMETICS ! Everyday/ Natural/ School/ Work glam

Welcome back my loves,
Thanks for being patience with me as I'm a very slow youtuber. But starting to get it (FINALLY) and gonne post more soon!
I got a few request asking to do a video only using 1 brand. So here it is! And I used all benefit cosmetics. Except for a cheechy fix spray in the end.. (ssst)
Hope you like it, let me know in the comments!! And let me know if you have any requests.

Details: BENEFIT
Professional Foundation in Number 3
Hoola quick contour stick.
Hoola light as an all over powder
Hoola bronzer
Dandelion Twinkle highlighter
Dew Dandelion blush
Goofproof pencil number 3
Gimme brow 3
High Brow in natural
3d Brow tones in 2
There Real mascara primer + mascara
There Real Double the lip in Lusty Roze

Give it a thumbs up and dont forget to subscribe to my channel!!
I love all of you!

PS: don't forget to check out my other channels:
nstagram:   / makeupbysanchez  
Twitter: @linmarinsanchez
Snapchat: lmarinsanchez
Contact: [email protected]


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