Enter the Gungeon - Marine True End (Past Killed)

Описание к видео Enter the Gungeon - Marine True End (Past Killed)

So, funny story. This was my first run with the Marine, outside of testing the other characters and it started quite poorly. So poorly that I actually bought an item from the dark haired girl on the first floor. Anyway, from there I just kept getting awesome item after awesome item that I eventually made it to the fifth floor, beat the Dragun, again, ALMOST flawlessly, and happened to make it to the past.

Anyway, for those confused by this ending, similar to how the Hunter's is a reference to Wolfenstein, this one is a reference to Doom. Makes sense given the characters in Doom are space marines and a lot of fun seeing more references come from these stages. With that being said, lets hope I can get the next two done so I can hit the final world and maybe unlock something really awesome!


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