Foraging:Wild Garlic - Ramsons (Allium Ursinum)Wood Garlic -Bear Garlic

Описание к видео Foraging:Wild Garlic - Ramsons (Allium Ursinum)Wood Garlic -Bear Garlic

Foraging:Wild Garlic - Ramsons (Allium Ursinum)Wood Garlic -Bear Garlic. Wild garlic grows from late winter until the end of spring. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked and taste milder than shop-bought garlic.

Please note - wild garlic does look similar to lily of the valley, which is poisonous. The key difference between the two plants is that wild garlic always smells – yes, you guessed it – of garlic. If you’re in any doubt about which plant you’ve found do not eat it.
Ramsons are edible but be careful because it looks similar to the poisonous Lilly of the Valley.

Music:Song: Dream [Rewind Remix Release] 
Music provided by Rewind Remix
Artist: Sean


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