NETFLIX: The Poor Startup Company That Changed the World

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NETFLIX: The Poor Startup Company That Changed the World

This is the success story of Netflix!
How Netflix Overcame Failure And Became a $100 Billion Company!
And how Netflix got the last laugh...

Netflix is the world's biggest and most popular streaming service . But how the small startup company that began renting DVDs by mail and almost went bankrupt became the biggest giant in the streaming service. Here is how it all began.

The co-founders of Netflix Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings wanted to build an online business. At first Netflix was just a movie rental service. Users would browse and choose a movie from Netflix's Web site and the DVDs were mailed to the customers.

In 2000, even though Netflix had 300,000 subscribers, sadly was operating at a loss
So Reed Hastings approached Blockbuster about forming a partnership. He also offered to rename Netflix to and maintain their online business. In fact, Blockbuster had an opportunity to buy Netflix for $50 million.
Sadly for Blockbuster, their CEO simply smiled and laughed at him.

In 2007 Netflix made another innovation and introduced the streaming service. Netflix began providing it's members the luxury to instantly watch movies from their homes.
Unfortunately, the rental giant Blockbuster couldn't compete with online streaming and filed for bankruptcy in 2010.
Blockbuster could have been the Netflix of today, but they refused to change and adapt to new technology. You remember the time when Blockbuster had an opportunity to become partners with Netflix and even buy the platform?
Who is laughing now?

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- Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]
- re:publica[CC BY 2.0 (]
- Stu pendousmat [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]
- Dwight Burdette, [CC BY 3.0 (

This is the perfect place to gain that positive thinking and faith that life will someday be better. This is the place where are the most inspirational stories of people who failed in some point in their life, but they washed the dirt off them and kept going and going until they saw a light on the end of the tunnel. Life is hard, not fair and doesn’t care about your feeling, so stop being afraid and start to live! If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission. Go for it.

So, What's YOUR Story ?

This video is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is based on my internet research and might not be completely true. You should always do your own research.


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