Expert in Japanese & Okinawan Culture in Hawaii

Описание к видео Expert in Japanese & Okinawan Culture in Hawaii

Shari Tamashiro, Cybrarian at Kapi'olani Community College, University of Hawaii. Curated the Looking Like the Enemy exhibit in the Attack Building at Pearl Harbor National Monument, as well as the Battle of Okinawa and 100th/442nd, MIS, 1399 & MIS exhibits. Shari’s passion is storytelling (especially Hawaii Japanese and Okinawan stories) and documenting/preserving primary source materials in Hawaii’s community. She often serve as a bridge between UH and the local Okinawan community because she think it's important to connect university resources and expertise to enhance community archivism and projects. Currently working on the Hawaii Okinawan Restaurant project. Former president of the Hawaiian Historical Society and 1st foreign World Eisa Ambassador.

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