Memories of an Angel in Amber

Описание к видео Memories of an Angel in Amber

Alfred North Whitehead once said, "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" But we can't seem to help ourselves. We want to know! The title of this album and the first track was inspired by the mysterious Book of Enoch and the imprisonment of the fallen Angels who fell from grace in the time of Noah. I have written something about this in the description of my "Decensus" album. But fast forward to the end of time and these angels who have seen everything from before time to the end. What have they seen? We are seeing events in our world now that have been predicted will come to pass. And we can look around us and see it for ourselves. These are indeed, "interesting times". The New World Order and their agenda, is no longer a conspiracy theory. It exists and is growing in power and will continue to grow until we have Hell on Earth and a global dictator sitting on his throne. At least, for a short while. "It is the business of the future to be dangerous". Their motto has changed, from "Order out of Chaos" to "Build Back Better". Same thing. You can only build back if you have destroyed what has gone before. Choose you this day whom you would serve.

00:00 A Remembering of True Things Forgotten
19:43 The Bright Shadow of Hope
44:52 The Writing Above the Door


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