Hidden iRacing Configuration Options (ini Files)

Описание к видео Hidden iRacing Configuration Options (ini Files)

With the iRacing ini configuration files being somewhat stable over the last few months, I wanted to share some of the hidden configuration of the sim that you can do with the app.ini and rendererDX11.ini files.

- Ever been annoyed when jumping out of the car that you end up in replay mode rather than staying with the live action?
- Frustrated always being interrupted with system messages or driver join/leave messages whilst you're driving?
- Want a smaller virtual mirror?
- Fancy having the crowd in full attendance during a test session?
- Wish you could configure the iRacing spotter more to your liking?

All of these adjustments and more can be achieved through these two ini configuration files and I walk you through the key settings that are worth taking a look at, as well as the general layout of both files.

It's a long one so I highly recommend using the chapters to find the specific settings you're looking for.

   • iRacing Graphics Optimization  

00:00 Introduction
01:53 ini Configuration Files Location
03:25 Turn Off Player Join/Leave Messages Whilst Driving
05:03 Exit the Car Whilst Staying LIVE and Not Entering Replay
07:45 Physical Size of the Virtual Mirror
09:53 Revealing all In-Sim UI Elements so they can be Re-positioned
11:30 Full Crowds in Test & Practice Sessions
14:14 Audio Adjustments
15:25 Automatic Chat Messages & Pit Stop Commands
16:21 BassShaker Settings (LFE)
16:43 Camera Controls
18:07 Force Feedback (Reduce Pit Lane Oscillations)
21:10 Turn Off System Messages Whilst Driving
21:49 Pit Service Defaults
23:30 In-Game iRacing Spotter Configuration
27:23 iRacing Screenshot and Video Capture Settings
29:43 Graphics Adjustments
31:51 Triple Screen Configuration
33:24 Monitor Setup
34:19 Replat Graphics Adjustments
35:19 What the Camera Configuration File Is
35:40 How the controls Configuration File Works
36:27 What the core Configuration File is For
37:25 Pedals & Steering Configuration File (joycalib)
41:20 Wrap-Up


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