Wish (2020) | 48hr Short Film Festival - Directed by Brayden Pavey, Starring Liv Rian

Описание к видео Wish (2020) | 48hr Short Film Festival - Directed by Brayden Pavey, Starring Liv Rian

An official entry to Melbourne's 48hr Film Festival in 2020, screened at the Jam factory Cinema in St. Kilda and was commended for it's performances and cinematography.

Wish is about a coin toss to a wishing well and the people whose job it is to ensure the wishes come true, Ruby is faced with having to confront the wishee about taking her wish back within 48hrs.

Directed by
Brayden Pavey

Liv Rian
Joanna Reilly
Jess Ciancio
Oliver Murdoch


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